2012年11月30日 星期五

有關 Hex 的編碼對應

defined by IBM
hex 01 = Escape key
hex 02 = 1 or ! key
hex 03 = 2 or @ key
hex 04 = 3 or # key
hex 05 = 4 or $ key
hex 06 = 5 or % key
hex 07 = 6 or ^ key
hex 08 = 7 or & key
hex 09 = 8 or * key
hex 0A = 9 or ( key
hex 0B = 0 or ) key
hex 0C = - or _ key
hex 0D = = or + key
hex 0E = Backspace key
hex 0F = Tab key
hex 10 = q or Q key
hex 11 = w or W key
hex 12 = e or E key
hex 13 = r or R key
hex 14 = t or T key
hex 15 = y or Y key
hex 16 = u or U key
hex 17 = i or I key
hex 18 = o or O key
hex 19 = p or P key
hex 1A = [ or { key
hex 1B = ] or } key
hex 1C = Enter key
hex 1D = Control key (Left if two)
hex 1E = a or A key
hex 1F = s or S key
hex 20 = d or D key
hex 21 = f or F key
hex 22 = g or G key
hex 23 = h or H key
hex 24 = j or J key
hex 25 = k or K key
hex 26 = l or L key
hex 27 = ; or : key
hex 28 = ' or " key
hex 29 = ` or ~ key
hex 2A = Left shift key
hex 2B = \ or | key
hex 2C = z or Z key
hex 2D = x or X key
hex 2E = c or C key
hex 2F = v or V key
hex 30 = b or B key
hex 31 = n or N key
hex 32 = m or M key
hex 33 = , or < key
hex 34 = . or > key
hex 35 = / or ? key
hex 36 = Right shift key
hex 37 = * or PrtScr key
hex 38 = Alt key (Left one if two)
hex 39 = Space bar
hex 3A = Caps Lock key
hex 3B = F1 key
hex 3C = F2 key
hex 3D = F3 key
hex 3E = F4 key
hex 3F = F5 key
hex 40 = F6 key
hex 41 = F7 key
hex 42 = F8 key
hex 43 = F9 key
hex 44 = F10 key
hex 45 = Num Lock key on numeric keypad
hex 46 = Scroll Lock key on numeric keypad
hex 47 = 7 or Home key on numeric keypad
hex 48 = 8 or Cursor Up key on numeric keypad
hex 49 = 9 or Pg Up key on numeric keypad
hex 4A = - key on numeric keypad
hex 4B = 4 or Cursor Left key on numeric keypad
hex 4C = 5 key on numeric keypad
hex 4D = 6 or Cursor Right key on numeric keypad
hex 4E = + key on numeric keypad
hex 4F = 1 or End key on numeric keypad
hex 50 = 2 or Cursor Down kay on numeric keypad
hex 51 = 3 or Pg Dn key on numeric keypad
hex 52 = 0 or Insert key on numeric keypad
hex 53 = . or Delete key on numeric keypad
hex 54 = Sys Req key (on 84-key keyboard)
hex 57 = F11
hex 58 = F12
hex E1 = Pause key (on 101-key keyboard)
The following scan codes are preceeded by hex E0...

hex 1C = Enter key on numeric keypad
hex 1D = Control (Right if two)
hex 35 = / key on numeric keypad
hex 38 = Alt (Right if two)
hex 47 = Home
hex 48 = Up arrow
hex 49 = Pg Up
hex 4B = Left arrow
hex 4D = Right arrow
hex 4F = End
hex 50 = Down arrow
hex 51 = Pg Dn
hex 52 = Insert
hex 53 = Delete

2012年11月24日 星期六

FREE ebook for SharePoint 2013 (微軟免費 SharePoint 2013 電子書)

想了解SharePoint 2013的人有福了,目前微軟官方網站上提供了幾本免費的電子書,是針對SharePoint 2103 和Office 2013 等所涵蓋的內容,沒事K一K,增長見識,有事K一K,強化知識。


  • Explore SharePoint 2013
    主要介紹SharePoint 2013的新功能和一些操作方式
  • Deployment guide for SharePoint 2013
    This book provides deployment instructions for SharePoint 2013. The audiences for this book include application specialists, line-of-business application specialists, and IT administrators who are ready to deploy SharePoint 2013.
  • Deployment guide for Office 2013
    This book supports a preliminary release of Microsoft Office 2013 and provides deployment instructions for Office 2013. The audiences for this book include application specialists, line-of-business application specialists, and IT administrators who are ready to deploy Office 2013.
  • Deployment guide for Duet Enterprise 2.0 for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP Server 2.0
    This book provides deployment instructions for Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP Server 2.0. The audiences for this book include application specialists, line-of-business application specialists, and IT administrators who are ready to deploy Duet Enterprise 2.0.

以上提供給有興趣研究SharePoint 2013的朋友們一些參考資訊,希望對大家有所幫助!

2012年11月17日 星期六

SharePoint 2013 Project Templates for Visual Studio 2012-2(在Visual Studio 2012中消失的SharePoint 2013專案範本)

在前一篇SharePoint 2013 Project Templates for Visual Studio 2012-1(在Visual Studio 2012中消失的SharePoint 2013專案範本)介紹到安裝好開發SharePoint 2013的專案樣板,接下來我們來比較一下跟之前SharePoint 2010的開發方式有何不同。

重新開啟Visual Studio 2012 可以看到Office和SharePoint開發的專案範本都被整合在一個Office/SharePoint分類中,並且多很多額外的樣板,有應用程式、Office Add-ins和SharePoint方案三種小分類。


其中,Visual Studio 2012中開發SharePoint 2013和Visual Studio 2010開發SharePoint 2010最大的不同在於SharePoint 2013大部分是以APP的方式開發,所以假設要開發App的話,則建立:應用程式/ShaePoint 2013 相關應用程式專案。

ShaePoint 2013 相關應用程式專案好處就是可以在您的個人NB或是PC環境上直接開發和建置,都不會有問題,就算你的電腦沒有安裝SharePoint 2013也可以!這點對大部分的SPS2013 APP開發者來說無異是一大福音,因為畢竟以往考量最麻煩的還是開發環境的建置!




那麼很抱歉,VS2012不客氣的就丟出一個錯誤視窗,說明:此系統未安裝 SharePoint Foundation 2013 或 SharePoint Server 2013 的必要版本。若要開發 SharePoint 方案或瀏覽伺服器總管中的 SharePoint 連線,本機系統上必須安裝 SharePoint。請確定 SharePoint 專案所參考的本機伺服器已存在。


所以要開發SharePoint方案這種專案樣板的大大們,還是要在你的開發環境上安裝 SharePoint Foundation 2013 或 SharePoint Server 2013 阿,但至少ShaePoint 2013 App的開發方式會是此版本的趨勢,所以開發環境的建制就看各位大大的考量啦!

2012年11月16日 星期五

SharePoint 2013 Project Templates for Visual Studio 2012-1(在Visual Studio 2012中消失的SharePoint 2013專案範本)

要開發SharePoint 2013 ,光只裝Visual Studio 2012還是不夠的,因為如果只是單純的安裝Visual Studio 2012的話,只會有以下幾個SharePoint 2013基本的專案範本可以使用,跟前一個版本Visual Studio 2010差太多了!


此時則可以先至以下網址:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/apps/fp123627  另行下載安裝Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012


安裝過程會透過Web Platform Installer 4.0 安裝,目前最新版本是Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012-Preview 2,注意一下發行日期為:2012/10/19


準備安裝的過程中相關的必要元件很多,並不僅僅只是要安裝Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012而已,相關聯的WIF或是WF都是必要對應安裝的元件,確定沒問題直接安裝即可。




2012年11月14日 星期三

The Solution of using ASP.NET Create Excel in Windows 2008 x64 with 80070005(在x64位元的系統上執行ASP.NET產生Excel遇到80070005 存取被拒解決方式)

環境:Windows 2008 R2 x64 + ASP.NET 4.0 + Excel 2010

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005 存取被拒.



造成以上問題主要是執行DCOM的權限部分,因為ASP.NET4.0以上版本在IIS上執行所使用ApplicationPool中的執行身分是ApplicationPoolIdentity,也就是IIS AppPool\ASP.NET v4.0



  1. 在SERVER上先執行以下指令:mmc comexp.msc /32,此指令主要是開啟32位元的元件服務設定。
  2. 在元件服務—>電腦—>我的電腦—>DCOM設定中找到Microsoft Excel Application,按右鍵選擇內容
  3. 點選安全性頁籤,啟動和啟用權限以及存取權限預設都沒有設定給ASP.NET v4.0
  4. 所以我們要進行自訂設定
  5. 在啟動和啟用權限以及存取權限中將IIS AppPool\ASP.NET v4.0加入
  6. 當按下檢查名稱後,會自動尋找對應,按下確定
  7. ASP.NET v4.0權限為允許本機啟動以及本機啟用
    另外假設往後也會使用到NETWORK SERVICE帳號的話,也可以順道加入,避免往後其他ApplicationPool設定NETWORK SERVICE時,還要近來在設定一次



其實到這邊亞當斯已經很想砸桌子了,因為以上所列的幾種可能原因根本都不存在,當然我很確定我的程式是沒問題的,那麼到底怎麼辦呢? 問了一下Google大神,很多人都使用修改註冊機碼的方式,終於被我找到一種最快、最簡單的解決方式,那就是:

  1. 如果是Windows 2008 Server x64 的話,那麼就在下列路徑中C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile新增一個資料夾,名稱命名為:Desktop,即可。
  2. 假設Windows 2008 Server x86的話,路徑為 C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop
